Hey ya! How's life? Hope it's good, but not with me -__- OK just wanna tell you that.. I am now broken heart. I don't know how many times i feel it.. But FYI, It happens sooo many times to me. Well let's go to the next topic, I don't want to discuss it anymore. Oh yeah and one thing that i just gonna do is forgetting you. HIGHLIGHT IT!
And.. yeah, talk with Bahasa aja ya capek, males mikir HEHE Eh iya tadi kan gue ikut porseni, seni kriya, ngebuat kayak handicraft gitu deh. Sebenernya gue males banget, pengen ngundurin diri. Tapi di sisi lain gue seneng soalnya bisa nggak ketemu dia. Oh iya tadi itu 49 lagi classmeet jadi anak kelas 7 8 9 sbi aksel reguler pada ngumpul jadi satu gitu di gedung A jadi rame bangeeet, dan yang pasti ada dia (yang penasaran tebak aja hayooo) -_- Dan tadi habis lomba gua sama anak anak yang lain langsung balik ke sekolah, terus katanya gua menang, tapi cuma dapet Harapan 1 -____- Oh myyy perjuangan gua cuma berakhir di harapan 1!!! Hm tapi ya alhamdulillah deh daripada gak menang mihihi
Hem habis gitu cerita apa lagi yaaaa.. OH IYA, ini ada percakapan antara Pak Sarman (PS) sama Alya Hiroko (A), guru sama temen sekolah gue di musholla.
PS: (masuk ke musholla habis wudhu)
A: (mau keluar dari musholla ketemu PS terus ngajak ngomong PS) Siang pak, pak tadi lombanya menang semua loh paaak
PS: Wah mantab (?)
A: Iya pak lomba lukisnya juara 1,2 sama 4. Vocal group nya 3, Seni kriya ada 2 orang yang menang, lomba nari juara 3. Pokoknya banyak deh paaaak
PS: Mantab mantab.. (sumpah jijik gua dengernya) Kamu juara apa dong?
A: Saya? AAAAAA Saya cuma supporter paaak, saya gak ikutan lombanyaaaa (abis gitu si Alya reflek mau mukul PS yang baruuuu aja selese wudhu)
PS: (kaget, gak mau wudhunya batal gara gara kepukul sama Alya) DIA LONCAT YA ALLAH KOCAK PARAH LONCATNYA! KAYAK AYAM POK POK GITU DEH WUHUAKAKAKA
Terus ya abis Pak Sarman loncat kayak ayam gitu aku sama Putri langsung ngakak. Di depannya dia lagi. Hem coba gua video-in ya... -___- Oh iya maaf kalo gak ngerti maksud percakapan yang barusan. maaaf
Eh iyaaaa gua cerita apa lagi ya? -____- Oh iya LOMOOOO!! Gue pasti gak bakalan dibeliin deh kalo minta papa, kalo beli sendiriiii hem males deh
Ih tuh kan, LOMO tuh lucu lucu, jadi pengen deh. Oh iya gue pengen LOMO bukan karena bentuk kamera nya yang lucu yaaa.. Gua juga suka hasil-hasilnya... Kayak gini deh pokoknya
Ihihi itu hasil hasil fotonya bukan gue yang nge cap, tapi browsing doang wikiki. Eh iya yaaaa.. Udahan dulu ya, see ya at the next post bloggey!! Yang mau exchange link tulis aja di shoutbox gua yang bari itu yayaya.. BYEBYE
Hey you bloggey! Oh iya aku lagi suka sama lagu, udah suka dari dulu sih... Lagunya MYMP yang Especially For You. Aku awalnya tau ini dari Nanda, dia yang nge rekomendasiin. Makasih ya :)) Abis gitu aku download terus hem lagunya enak, download aja tinggal klik ini Nah baik kan gue ngasih link download nya weakaka -____-
Especially for you
I wanna let you know what I was
Going through
All the time we were apart I thought
Of you
You were in my heart
My love never changed
I still feel the same
Especially for you
I wanna tell you I was feeling that
Way too
And if dreams were wings, you
I would have flown to you
To be where you are
No matter how far
And now that I’m next to you
No more dreaming about
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I’ve got to say
It’s all because of you
And now were back together,
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love I have is
Especially for you
Especially for you
I wanna tell you, you mean all the world to me
How I’m certain that our love was
Meant to be
You changed my life
You showed me the way
And now that I’m next to you
I’ve waited long enough to find you
I wanna put all the hurt behind you
And I wanna bring out the love
Inside you, oh and
Now were back together, together
I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love I have is
Especially for you
You were in my heart
My love never changed
And now that I’m next to you
No more dreaming about
Forget the loneliness and the
I’ve got to say
It’s all because of you
Heeeey Bloggey!! Really really long time no post ya? Hm sorry deh kalo gitu. Soalnya aku bener bener gak mood gitu sama blog aku, udah abalan sih. Ini aja aku baru ngeganti layout dll nya looh. Masih belum seperti apa yang aku bayangin sih, tapi yaaaaa.. lumayan lah daripada yang sebelumnya -_____________-
Oh iya beneran deh gak nyangka, aku gak pernah ngapa-ngapain blog aku lagi.. Tapitapi visitor blogku kayaknya nambah 1000-an deh huaha. Okeoke makasih ya yang udah ke blog ini heheh ;)
OK. Sekarang aku mau cerita apa ya? Ehm yang pasti, aku lagi----------suka sama orang. Aku sendiri gak tau kenapa bisa suka dan.. ehm tapi kayaknya aku---patah hati lagi. OK Untuk masalah patah hati ini belom pasti sih, itu masih feeling aja. Semoga nggak. Please nggak, gue udah berapa kali kayak gini coba? Sekali ini aja pleaseeee nggak. Oh iya, masalah gue suka sama siapa itu.. rahasia. Sorry banget, ini juga yang tau cuma 3 orang doang hehe ;)
WIHIHI OKE GANTI TOPIK YAAAA. Tapi topik apaaa? Oh iya gue lagi suka sama Polaroid!! aaaa keren deh, nggak juga sih. LOMO juga keren. btw yang nggak tau, itu tuh kamera ;) tapi gue pikir kalian tau laah.. NEXT! kan gue abis browing cari tau tentang LOMO atau polaroid eh terus gue ketemu web buat nge download software. Software polaroid generator gitu deh pokoknya KEWL deh! hihi terus beberapa dari hasilnya itu kayak gini
ahaha OK deh ya kalo gitu hari ini segitu dulu aja. See ya to the next post!! Byebye OH IYA BENTARBENTAR!! Jangan lupa ya follow twitter gua yayaya :)) baik deh makasih
Hey ppl! Long time no post, ya I know.. -_- I'm busy with my twitter @aaadhisty and for Justin Bieber's fans: @JustinBieberID.. I hope you follow them :) Ehm, by the way, I just wanna give you some information about Justin Bieber Indonesia Fansite: Me and my friend has made it, I hope you'll join this unofficial fansite and let Justin Bieber notice us :) Here is the fansite http://justinbieber-indonesia.webs.com So, don't forget to join guys!!
I hope you'll follow our twitter too @JustinBieberID
and add our msn at justinbieber_indonesia@hotmail.com
The last but not least, just wanna say, Thank You Guys for reading this post :)
Well, I just arrived at home from 2 bookstores in my town and I feel regret, because I didn't buy Burnin Up Book since it out at the bookstore. and now I'm running out the book. But I'll try to search it again and again in the other bookstore. I hope that they still sell that book. And now, I just want to share my favorite music (by this time) with you.
1. Turn Right - Jonas Brothers
This Song is the 11th song in their brand new album Lines, Vines and Trying Times that has jusr released at June 16th 2009. I love this song because the lyrics is so deep for me.
"I could pick up all your tears, throw em in your backseat, leave without a second glance"
"Turn right into my arms, Turn right you won't be alone"
2. One Time - Justin Bieber
First, I know this song from the related video on youtube.com and then my friends at school discuss about Justin Bieber and then I follow Justin Bieber's twitter and then I think that this song is cool (and Justin Bieber too)
"Your world is my world, And my fight is your fight, my breath is your breath, And your heart and now I've got my one love, My one heart, My one life for sure"
"Let me tell you one time, girl I love, girl I love you"
3. I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
I love all version of Jason Mraz-- I'm Yours.. Especially 'I'm Yours' where Jason Mraz sing it with Jah Cure and Lil Wayne..
4. Black Keys - Jonas Brothers
This song is the 9th song in their brand new album Lines, Vines and Trying Times. I love Nick's voice here.
"And the black keys, Showing me a world I never knew"
5. Party In The USA - Miley Cyrus
I just love this song,
"So I put my hands up, they’re playin’ my song, The butterflies fly away, I’m noddin’ my head like “Yeah!” Movin’ my hips like “Yeah!”"
6. Catch Me - Demi Lovato
Firstly, I don't know about this song until I join Jonas Brothers Webcast last August 22nd. There, Nick plays Demi Lovato's song Catch Me with his guitar. And I'm fall in love with this song
7. Live High - Jason Mraz
I love this song, this song makes my heart always in peace.
8. Here We Go Again - Demi Lovato
And this song too. :D
You know what? Now my heart is in 2!! -__- Justin (Drew) Bieber has taken one part of my heart.
Ah tapi Justin Bieber kerennya gila sih.. Liat aja barusan aku browsing fotonya
Ih tuh kan keren banget, bisa main skateboard, gitar, keyboard.. OH MYYY.. I'M MELTED!! Oh yaya, jangan lupa demand Justin Bieber ya supaya ke Jakarta.. ada di bagian atas blogku kok ;)